There is Peace in Silence

People say, ” you can never be in complete silence because of the noises that are going on around you.” There is some truth to that but you can silence your mind and tune those noises out. The noises go way beyond the audio you hear. They are a derivative of its source. Life that goes on around us is the creator of the noises we hear. Noises affect our mental psyche. It alters our thinking, behaviors, and overall our stability in life. The stillness you get from silence creates the peace inside you.

Worrying is one source of what makes up the chatter and noises that consume your thoughts. It can be debilitating at times. If you can learn to worry less about the things you have no control of, it’s only then that you’ll see that the noises in your mind start to fade. Quieting your mind isn’t easy. Anxious feelings will consume you at first but if you can surrender those feelings of anxiousness and worry, the silence will become peaceful.

That is when the healing begins.

Stop Doing IT

What is “it?” It is anything that you don’t want to be doing. I’m still tip toeing around people in order to give them what they want and what they want to hear. I’m not doing this all the time just more than I want to at this point. I’ve gotten a lot better. I’m sure there are many of you who do the same. It’s internally agonizing. We fret over it constantly.

What is the issue with saying the word “no?” Why can’t we just spit it out. It’s the word we want to use but are afraid to for so many reasons. Reasons being, we are compassionate and caring people. How much more do you have to give? We say yes a lot of the time to make others happy but isn’t it time you make yourself happy? I’m 52-years-old and it’s time. I can’t spend the rest of my life for others.

It’s not just about the word “no.” It encompasses so much more. It’s really about our ability of not being able to give ourselves what we need. What is it that we really need? And is what we need a lot to be asking for?

Some wants are not materialistic and some wants don’t cost a penny. The want is something we desire from within. It’s peace. That’s it. It’s having mental peace. Peace with feeling and knowing you are doing exactly what you want.

Just do it. Take that step and don’t feel guilty about taking care of you.

Is it a sin to…

…have no motivation whatsoever? This isn’t about me committing sins either lol.

I’m feeling guilty because I have got next to nothing done today. In all fairness, I had a little incident at work the beginning of the week that put me out of commission for a few days. But, don’t we all once in a while? Is it the end of the world? No.

That’s neither here nor there because I can still function to a degree and I thank my lucky stars that it wasn’t worse.

I was off for 3 1/2 days. It set off total flashbacks for me. Covid quarantine flashbacks. Like most of you, I never ever want to experience that again.

That is the type of jolt we all need once in a while to make us appreciate life. It certainly gave me a wakeup call. That wakeup call is not letting events or people control my happiness.

Everyone gets into a funk periodically because of outside factors. I let this, whatever you call it umm stupid state of mind put me in a funk. I usually practice what I preach but for some reason this one was hard for me to shake off.

The time off gave me a chance to think about things though. Downtime to think is sooo important, but I will save that for another post.

There was a great article I read about not letting your emotions control you. It is like a built-in instinctual habit when a person lets their emotions control their cognitive thought process. It can ruin everything or it can make everything perfect. It all depends on you and your brain.

You’re bummed because you didn’t get the job, you didn’t pass the test, or someone hasn’t called or texted you back etc.

There are so many influences that affect our emotional state. The question is, how do we turn on and off those emotions? How can you reflect or intersect whatever is making your emotions go haywire?

It boils down to your brain. Conditioning your thoughts to recognize that emotions are feelings and feelings can be altered literally in a split second. The key is to learn how to change your reaction to the actions that are affecting your emotions.

It sounds a lot more than it really is. I’m not saying that it is easy to turn off your emotions but controlling them with your thoughts, can be done.

Over the years I have learned how to not let certain events or people control my emotional state. I am not perfect at it but I’ve come a long way.

Emotions, the bad ones, can wreak havoc on your health. Depression, anger, and sadness, especially for a long period of time can really do damage to your overall well-being. It is worth it? The sadness or anger you went through and probably eventually got over, was it worth your time slighting yourself of happiness? Not only your happiness but the happiness of those around you as well.

There isn’t anything in this world worth not having peace of mind. Life is always going to happen no matter what you say or do. It is inevitable.

The one thing you do have control over is your mind. Keep it strong. Practice deflection. Those small idiotic things that you encounter that get your pissed or make you sad, shrug it off and ask yourself, is it worth bringing me into a bad emotional state? When you realize that there are no major catastrophes in life, only then will you start to feel peace.

Your time on this earth is so precious. Don’t waste it. Be at peace with yourself and those around you.

Okay, enough gibberish. Have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy life!

Holy sh*t! I did it!

I did it. I booked a campsite for the boys and I. This is one step closer for me to actually get to go camping solo. Over the past 2 years we have been going with my sister and her husband. This year we kind of graduated. We are going camping at the same campground with them but at a different campsite.

Then…. I took it upon myself to book a site just for the boys and I at a different time and place all together.

The campground we are going to is called Limekiln and it is up in the Adirondacks of NY.

I am actually looking into investing in a small rv that sleeps 3. Since my boys are turning 17 and 18 in September, I think I will be going on my own next summer. I think that a small rv might be better when I am alone as opposed to tent camping. Gotta have room for my dog! haha

So here is our site that I booked in July at Limekiln.

I am beyond excited.

All it takes are baby steps when it comes to accomplishing anything you want. Life is too short not to take a chance.