BBQ Chicken and Bacon Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Okay so when I get home from work I usually just wing it for whatever I am going to make for dinner. Tonight I had a hankering for grilled chicken bbq pizza. I have Celiacs Disease so I always opt for the cauliflower crust when I have pizza. Honestly, I like it better then regular crust. It’s whatever your preference. My kids would say, “yeah no.”

I never realized how much I love to cook. Especially when it’s not under pressure etc. I have been having fun with it so I am going to try and post more.

Here is the recipe. I take bits and pieces of other recipes and make it into my own. If you make it, let me know how it comes out.

BBQ Chicken and Bacon Cauliflower Crust Pizza


  • 1 premade cauliflower crust (about 12 inches) Use the brand you like best
  • 1/2 cup BBQ sauce (choose a low-sugar option for a healthier version) I use Sweet Baby Rays Sweet and Spicey
  • 1 cup cooked chicken breast, shredded or diced (diced mine and cooked it in a fry pan with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup cooked crispy bacon, crumbled
  • 1 cup shredded thick cutt mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced (I sauted the onion first)
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped (optional)


  1. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to the temperature specified on the cauliflower crust package.
  2. Prepare the Crust: Place the premade cauliflower crust on a baking sheet or pizza stone. Cook to a golden brown
  3. Add BBQ Sauce: I like to spread the BBQ sauce evenly over the crust first.
  4. Add Toppings: Put shredded chicken and crumbled bacon over the BBQ sauce.
  5. Add Cheese and Onions: Sprinkle the shredded mozzarella cheese over the chicken and bacon, then add the thinly sliced red onion.
  6. Bake: Bake the pizza according to the instructions on the cauliflower crust package, usually around 12-15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  7. Finish: Remove the pizza from the oven and add seasoning of your choice. I used salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder
  8. Serve: Slice and serve hot. Serve ranch on the side for dipping.

Estimated Nutritional Content (Per Slice, 8 slices per pizza):

For the entire pizza:

  • Calories: 1280 kcal
  • Total Fat: 68g
  • Saturated Fat: 27g
  • Cholesterol: 320mg
  • Sodium: 3800mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 60g
  • Dietary Fiber: 8g
  • Sugars: 24g
  • Protein: 104g

Per slice (1/8th of the pizza):

  • Calories: 160 kcal
  • Total Fat: 8.5g
  • Saturated Fat: 3.4g
  • Cholesterol: 40mg
  • Sodium: 475mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 7.5g
  • Dietary Fiber: 1g
  • Sugars: 3g
  • Protein: 13g


  • The nutritional content can vary based on the specific brands and types of ingredients used (especially the BBQ sauce and the cauliflower crust).
  • To reduce the sodium content, look for lower-sodium bacon and BBQ sauce.
  • The calorie and fat content can be adjusted by using less cheese or opting for a reduced-fat cheese.


There is Peace in Silence

People say, ” you can never be in complete silence because of the noises that are going on around you.” There is some truth to that but you can silence your mind and tune those noises out. The noises go way beyond the audio you hear. They are a derivative of its source. Life that goes on around us is the creator of the noises we hear. Noises affect our mental psyche. It alters our thinking, behaviors, and overall our stability in life. The stillness you get from silence creates the peace inside you.

Worrying is one source of what makes up the chatter and noises that consume your thoughts. It can be debilitating at times. If you can learn to worry less about the things you have no control of, it’s only then that you’ll see that the noises in your mind start to fade. Quieting your mind isn’t easy. Anxious feelings will consume you at first but if you can surrender those feelings of anxiousness and worry, the silence will become peaceful.

That is when the healing begins.

Words Hurt

It’s amazing how you can tell what a person is all about just by hearing their choice of words come out of their mouth. It could very well be that they don’t think about what they’re saying before they say it, or their true intentions are to throw that dig at you because they’re unhappy with themselves and even though they pretend to be okay, they’re not.

But, that’s no excuse. What’s the saying….”You can’t unring a bell.” Once you say it, it can’t be taken back. Those words will be forever etched into someones brain and all though you may think nothing of it, those words will have lasting consequences. Hurtful words or comments will never be forgotten.

You might think that the person you said those words too aren’t smart enough or capable of realizing what was said, that’s not the case. They’re just collectively storing everything in their thoughts, taking it in, and realizing that the person who says those things, lack intelligence and compassion. No matter how hard they try to make people believe that they are a good person, inside they are struggling and just don’t know how to follow through.

Pay no mind. The lesson learned is that you gain even more respect for yourself knowing that you aren’t like them. You are truly a good hearted individual.

You’re life might not reflect all the hard work, understanding, and compassion you give to others, but if you dig deep, it does. The satisfaction you have within because of being a good soul is what keeps you happy and true to the only person that counts, and that is yourself. That’s all that matters.

All Four

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite type of weather?

I live in upstate NY and you all probably know what that’s like. On average, we get about 8 months of cold/rainy/snowy weather and 4 months of rockstar weather. I love the change of seasons. Like everything else in life, even the sunshine could get exhausting also. I need to see those leaves changing to the fiery reds, burnt oranges, golden yellows, and deep purples. There’s also a different smell in the air. The smell of camp fires magically appear out of nowhere. Even the sounds are different. When the wind blows, you can hear the rustle of the leaves blowing across the ground. At the end of summer, my mom always said, “the trees, grass, and bugs are tired, and they need to rest too.” At first, I didn’t understand what she truly meant but I see it now. The once bright fresh greens that the leaves used to be now appear subdued and look like a deep olive color.

Change is good. I welcome change and I don’t mind whatever mother nature brings my way. I really love all types of weather in upstate NY.