All Four

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite type of weather?

I live in upstate NY and you all probably know what that’s like. On average, we get about 8 months of cold/rainy/snowy weather and 4 months of rockstar weather. I love the change of seasons. Like everything else in life, even the sunshine could get exhausting also. I need to see those leaves changing to the fiery reds, burnt oranges, golden yellows, and deep purples. There’s also a different smell in the air. The smell of camp fires magically appear out of nowhere. Even the sounds are different. When the wind blows, you can hear the rustle of the leaves blowing across the ground. At the end of summer, my mom always said, “the trees, grass, and bugs are tired, and they need to rest too.” At first, I didn’t understand what she truly meant but I see it now. The once bright fresh greens that the leaves used to be now appear subdued and look like a deep olive color.

Change is good. I welcome change and I don’t mind whatever mother nature brings my way. I really love all types of weather in upstate NY.

Gluten intolerance is not a psychological issue

Again, why do we have put up with people’s lack of intelligence? There is a big wide world that we are connected to called the internet. Research has proven that gluten intolerance is a real thing. Why can’t people understand that? I get comments time and time again telling me that it’s in my head. Yeah tell my stomach that when it blows up to make me look like 9 months pregnant in 30 minutes.

I can tell you that stupidity is a psychological issue and people need to get help for it. Just read. Educate yourself on stuff before you open your mouth.

Sorry for the grouchy post but it’s like enough is enough.

This post isn’t just for the gluten intolerance rant. It is for all the stupid remarks that comes out of everyone’s mouth.

Okay, I am done. For now.

Find the Joy in Your Life

We are all struggling with something in our life. Health, relationships, financial hardships, mental well-being, physical well-being or know someone who is going through the same.

During these times, try to find the joy in life. Anything. There is always something good that can cancel out the bad. Celebrate life while you can. Celebrate the life you have with others. Take advantage of the time you have on this earth and make the most of it. You can’t get those moments back. There are no redos in life. One shot. That is it. Do whatever it is to make peace with yourself.

Sometimes you have to let the small and big things go. Is it worth the aggravation to get the last word in or go to extreme measures because you think you’re right? Everyone has their own beliefs and opinions but it doesn’t necessarily mean that is the only way.

Breathe, let go, appreciate, and think. Your brain is what control your emotions. Think positive and passionate. You still have a chance to get it right.

This isn’t what I imagined

This isn’t what I imagined at this stage of my life. I’m not saying I’m unhappy with my current non-relationship status (which is single) but I guess growing up Catholic and being surrounded by friends who traditionally got married at a young age, like myself, that life was going to play out that you’d be married forever and grow old together no matter what and that was. it.

Well, it didn’t end up that way. It very well could but who knows. Right now it’s slim to none and slim just left the building lol.

Anyway, this is for all the single people out there who are feeling hopeless, frustrated, confused, and sometimes relieved. We are single. Trying to date. Dating going nowhere. Starting dating and it turned into a dead end. Then I think to myself, crap, would I really want to go back to the way it was? Hell no. Is there someone out there who I am compatible with? Who the freak knows.

It is what it is and in the mean time you have to do what makes you happy.

Sooooo lol I started camping with my sister and bro-in-law a few years ago. This year I decided to get my own site. I thought my kids were coming with me but they bailed. Yup. That’s a teenager for ya.

That’s okay though. I want to give it a go setting up my site by myself and see how it goes. My sister will only be one site over so if I do run into any issues I can give them a holler. If this works out like I am hoping it does, I’ll go solo next time.

We are heading to Bowman Lake again. Love it. Beautiful campsites. Not too crowded and not far from home. About an hour and a half.

Oh and I am brining Jet man.

A couple of points I am trying to make in post is that there is an ass for every seat. Don’t give up but don’t stop living your life in the process.

I set up the tent in my living room to give it a test run and it took me literally 3 minutes. It’s an Ozark Trail Instant Cabin 6 person tent. It says that it takes 60 seconds to set up but being I am brand spanking new at this it took me 3 minutes which isn’t terrible. Packing it up, not so much. Ha. Good thing I wasn’t having a cocktail or it probably would have been on fire.

Jet Man.