There is Peace in Silence

People say, ” you can never be in complete silence because of the noises that are going on around you.” There is some truth to that but you can silence your mind and tune those noises out. The noises go way beyond the audio you hear. They are a derivative of its source. Life that goes on around us is the creator of the noises we hear. Noises affect our mental psyche. It alters our thinking, behaviors, and overall our stability in life. The stillness you get from silence creates the peace inside you.

Worrying is one source of what makes up the chatter and noises that consume your thoughts. It can be debilitating at times. If you can learn to worry less about the things you have no control of, it’s only then that you’ll see that the noises in your mind start to fade. Quieting your mind isn’t easy. Anxious feelings will consume you at first but if you can surrender those feelings of anxiousness and worry, the silence will become peaceful.

That is when the healing begins.

Words Hurt

It’s amazing how you can tell what a person is all about just by hearing their choice of words come out of their mouth. It could very well be that they don’t think about what they’re saying before they say it, or their true intentions are to throw that dig at you because they’re unhappy with themselves and even though they pretend to be okay, they’re not.

But, that’s no excuse. What’s the saying….”You can’t unring a bell.” Once you say it, it can’t be taken back. Those words will be forever etched into someones brain and all though you may think nothing of it, those words will have lasting consequences. Hurtful words or comments will never be forgotten.

You might think that the person you said those words too aren’t smart enough or capable of realizing what was said, that’s not the case. They’re just collectively storing everything in their thoughts, taking it in, and realizing that the person who says those things, lack intelligence and compassion. No matter how hard they try to make people believe that they are a good person, inside they are struggling and just don’t know how to follow through.

Pay no mind. The lesson learned is that you gain even more respect for yourself knowing that you aren’t like them. You are truly a good hearted individual.

You’re life might not reflect all the hard work, understanding, and compassion you give to others, but if you dig deep, it does. The satisfaction you have within because of being a good soul is what keeps you happy and true to the only person that counts, and that is yourself. That’s all that matters.

This Will Not Be Another Draft (1 minute read)

I refuse to let another one of my blog post turn into a draft.

I hold back periodically because self-doubt and fear but where does that get me? Where does fear get us? It gets us further away from being at our happiest. What’s that quote…. hold on googling it. Ah yes, the great Wayne Gretzky said it best, “You miss a 100% of the shots you don’t take.” That quote has so many meanings.

Holding back and not taking those shots prevent you from what? Living life to your fullest? Saying how you really feel? Taking the path that’s right for you? Slighting yourself of what does your mind and body good?

You could be stuck in the “uncomfortable comfort zone.” Change is wicked scary. It took me 30 years to get to the point where I’m at. I didn’t have the resources or the power within to help me make that change right away. It was a slow process but I knew it had to happen or it would have gotten the best of me. It will get the best of you too if you don’t make a plan. Start slow but start somewhere.

Listen, life is never going to be perfect but if you have the right mindset and stay positive as much as you can, life will seem beautiful regardless. 

How long does it take?

How long does it take for someone to figure what makes them happy? I guess it varies on the person. What’s important to you? What is it that can truly make you happy? What is stopping you?

Is it fear, change, money, or someone else or even yourself? Do you think you are truly happy?

Anything and anyone can be holding you back.

It’s time to make the change or at least have a plan to move forward.