There is Peace in Silence

People say, ” you can never be in complete silence because of the noises that are going on around you.” There is some truth to that but you can silence your mind and tune those noises out. The noises go way beyond the audio you hear. They are a derivative of its source. Life that goes on around us is the creator of the noises we hear. Noises affect our mental psyche. It alters our thinking, behaviors, and overall our stability in life. The stillness you get from silence creates the peace inside you.

Worrying is one source of what makes up the chatter and noises that consume your thoughts. It can be debilitating at times. If you can learn to worry less about the things you have no control of, it’s only then that you’ll see that the noises in your mind start to fade. Quieting your mind isn’t easy. Anxious feelings will consume you at first but if you can surrender those feelings of anxiousness and worry, the silence will become peaceful.

That is when the healing begins.

I am no expert on peanut butter and salsa

Relationships. That is a big word. Relationships can be difficult and can be easy for the most part. They’re like recipes. Do peanut butter and salsa go together? For me, no. For others, maybe? It depends on your taste. The two key words there are, “your taste.” What might not work for you can very work well for others. Who are we to judge?

A relationship can’t be forced. If you really want something to work you should lay it all out before you start the process. Give that trial process sometime to figure out the other person. At least try. If a little ways down the road you feel like eh something isn’t sitting right, well you move on. Don’t stay in it to make the other person happy or because you think it’s the right thing to do. Don’t, because doing the “right thing” for any other reason than being in it because it makes you happy, isn’t the right thing. It will backfire and time will be lost. Time that’s lost and you can’t get back in this lifetime.

Be patient. Being alone isn’t a bad thing when you are waiting for the right one to come along. You will know it when it happens.

There is no such thing as weird

As the old saying goes, we all march to the beat of our own drum. What is good for you might not be good for others, but that doesn’t mean you are weird. I shake my head at people who have comments like that or insinuate that they way you do things aren’t the right way or different.

I am 52-years-old and I still have people telling me that I’m weird, or I do things weird. What does that even mean? Are people in this day and age still that narrow minded? I can’t even call those who make comments like that dumb, because they aren’t. They are just self-centered, narrow minded, one way thinkers who believe that if it’s not done their way, it’s considered weird.

I can’t lol. I’m laughing out loud as I type this.

Just because you choose to live your life the way YOU want, please don’t let anyone make you second guess yourself. If for whatever reason, you don’t like a certain food, you like to wear certain outfits or colors, you prefer coffee a certain way, that is okay. You are not weird. You are human.

There is nothing weird about anything or anyone. If someone does call you weird or the way you do things, that’s just because they are miserable. Feel bad for them because they live a monotonous life.