How long does it take?

How long does it take for someone to figure what makes them happy? I guess it varies on the person. What’s important to you? What is it that can truly make you happy? What is stopping you?

Is it fear, change, money, or someone else or even yourself? Do you think you are truly happy?

Anything and anyone can be holding you back.

It’s time to make the change or at least have a plan to move forward.

Hygge Monday (1 minute read)

Monday. Getting ready for work. Put yourself in a Hygge mindset to get you through. Drink your coffee from that favorite mug and light a candle while you do your hair and makeup. Every little thing you need to do to get you through this day, any day, do it.

You got this. Have a great Monday.

You got this.

Hey, you got this. Whatever you are going through right now, you will be okay. Probably even better than okay. It’s meant for everyone to go through this roller coaster of a life. If everything came easy, there would be no challenges. If there are no challenges, how could we possibly improve ourself?

Keep moving forward and don’t look back. Rearview mirrors are only reminders of what is left to be desired, what is meant to teach us, and to never forget that there were once good times.

No Effort Needed (1 minute read)

If you think about it, what does it really take to get you grounded and clear your mind? Self-care is responsible for a lot of things in your life. If you don’t take care of you first, how can you function properly? Even if it’s for 10 minutes, that’s 10 minutes less of enduring chaos in your life.

If you’re home, go to that favorite spot. Left-side of the couch, right-side of the couch, in your bed, or that favorite comfy chair. Play a game on your phone, yes on your phone. Don’t interact with anyone just scroll through Pinterest, play WordChums, watch funny videos. Color, read a chapter in your book or journal your thoughts for those 10 minutes. Do whatever it takes for those 10 minutes to get you right. Do not feel guilty, it’s only 10 minutes. You are special and important. This is your daily reminder to not forget it.