All Four

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite type of weather?

I live in upstate NY and you all probably know what that’s like. On average, we get about 8 months of cold/rainy/snowy weather and 4 months of rockstar weather. I love the change of seasons. Like everything else in life, even the sunshine could get exhausting also. I need to see those leaves changing to the fiery reds, burnt oranges, golden yellows, and deep purples. There’s also a different smell in the air. The smell of camp fires magically appear out of nowhere. Even the sounds are different. When the wind blows, you can hear the rustle of the leaves blowing across the ground. At the end of summer, my mom always said, “the trees, grass, and bugs are tired, and they need to rest too.” At first, I didn’t understand what she truly meant but I see it now. The once bright fresh greens that the leaves used to be now appear subdued and look like a deep olive color.

Change is good. I welcome change and I don’t mind whatever mother nature brings my way. I really love all types of weather in upstate NY.