There is Peace in Silence

People say, ” you can never be in complete silence because of the noises that are going on around you.” There is some truth to that but you can silence your mind and tune those noises out. The noises go way beyond the audio you hear. They are a derivative of its source. Life that goes on around us is the creator of the noises we hear. Noises affect our mental psyche. It alters our thinking, behaviors, and overall our stability in life. The stillness you get from silence creates the peace inside you.

Worrying is one source of what makes up the chatter and noises that consume your thoughts. It can be debilitating at times. If you can learn to worry less about the things you have no control of, it’s only then that you’ll see that the noises in your mind start to fade. Quieting your mind isn’t easy. Anxious feelings will consume you at first but if you can surrender those feelings of anxiousness and worry, the silence will become peaceful.

That is when the healing begins.

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