I am no expert on peanut butter and salsa

Relationships. That is a big word. Relationships can be difficult and can be easy for the most part. They’re like recipes. Do peanut butter and salsa go together? For me, no. For others, maybe? It depends on your taste. The two key words there are, “your taste.” What might not work for you can very work well for others. Who are we to judge?

A relationship can’t be forced. If you really want something to work you should lay it all out before you start the process. Give that trial process sometime to figure out the other person. At least try. If a little ways down the road you feel like eh something isn’t sitting right, well you move on. Don’t stay in it to make the other person happy or because you think it’s the right thing to do. Don’t, because doing the “right thing” for any other reason than being in it because it makes you happy, isn’t the right thing. It will backfire and time will be lost. Time that’s lost and you can’t get back in this lifetime.

Be patient. Being alone isn’t a bad thing when you are waiting for the right one to come along. You will know it when it happens.